My first show in Brazil was so cool!!
Because, it wasn't that big place, but it was pretty packed.
MTV and the Brazilian TV station Recorg came to shoot my performance and do the interview.
I never expected that! How cool.
Besides, my favorite artist Deize Tigrona and her manager Giorgio came to see my show!
That was amazing!
She's the most popular baile funk female MC in Brazil and I always loved her music.
But, actually, she does love my music too!
We quickly became friends:)
After that, we did shows together and spent some great time until I go back to Japan.
I think if we write a song together, it's gonna be sick. Seriously.
We'll see;)
My shows were really successful from the first one! Good look!!
ciao, Tigarah
Tigarah, i love you!!!
I am your fan!!!
I live in São Paulo
I'm 12 years old
And i'm kin of japonese
I ghastly speak and write english
Miss you!
Keep spread your Funkpower, Tigarah!
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